GRE Services provides affordable, reliable interior home remodeling services to customers in New Castle, PA and surrounding regions. Get your free estimate!

Many newer homes in Western Pennsylvania are built with basic amenities. During the building process there is often times a lot going on and details are overlooked. After you’ve lived in your home for a while, you start to notice some smaller things you’d like to change, such as adding a walk-in closet, upgrading your cabinets, or installing fancier trim and moldings to give the interior of your home a more elegant feel. We can do it all! We’re to provide you with a seamless interior home remodeling experience resulting in flawless design, solid construction, and overall peace of mind.

When it comes to interior home remodeling, you want a company you can trust. If you already have remodeling ideas in mind, we can help you bring them to fruition. We are licensed and insured to tackle your home projects safely and professionally.

Give us a call today at 724-944-6663 or email us at and one of our interior home remodeling experts will be more than happy to discuss your specific needs, as well as answer any questions you might have about our company and our process.